Liz has a collection of powerful topical pain management products available to purchase in the office or on-site visits.


Pain Relief in Minutes

Prim is an all-natural pain creme that works in 3-5 minutes due to a unique blend of traditional herbs used for centuries to relieve pain and inflammation. Safe and effective for the following: chronic pain, fibromyalgia, neuropathy, arthritis, shoulder pain, knee pain, neck pain, rheumatism, back pain, and much more.  

Ingredients:  St. John's Wort Oil, Chaga Mushroom, Aloe Vera Gel, a proprietary blend of essential oils, Beeswax, and Vitamin E.

4 C's

Bash the Rash

By incorporating Chaga as the 4th "C" in the 3C's recipe, this healing herbal cream effectively addresses skin irritations, including eczema, psoriasis, and rashes caused by brown-tail moth caterpillars.

Ingredients: Calendula, Comfrey, Chickweed, Chaga, Yarrow, Yellow Dock, St John's Wort, Plantain, Aleo, Beeswax, Lanolin, Vitamin A & E.


Healing cream

for rough cracked hands

For very rough, dry, and cracked hands and feet. Contains fourteen healing herbs and a proprietary blend of six essential oils.

Herbs: Alder, Balm of Gilead, Calendula, Chickweed, Dandelion, Echinacea, Loosestrife, Heal-all, Jewelweed, Plantain, Willow, St. John’s Wort, Yarrow, Yellowdock

Pricing is available upon request. Sample sizes are available for most products.